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Chrome Extension

Go to Chrome Web Store (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions?hl=en) and search for "Swipenote" in the search box present in the left-hand column. The search will show you the Swipenote Chrome extension app. Click on "Add to Chrome". You get your Swipenote chrome extension.
Open your Chrome browser. Click on the Extension icon on the right hand side of your Chrome browser and you will see Swipenote extension among other Extensions you have downloaded. Click on Swipenote extension and you will find six options to work with.
In your Chrome browser, open the web page you wish to take a full page screenshot. Click on the Swipenote extension icon you have downloaded. You get six options,click on the first option "Full Page". Wait till Swipenote takes a full-page screenshot and a saving option pops up. Save your full page screenshot by clicking on the "Swipe" button in your desired folder with tags and notes for your reference.
In your Chrome browser, open the web page you wish to take a regional/partial screenshot. Click on the "Regional" icon of your Swipenote extension. You get a "Plus" cursor with an instruction "Click and drag to select the area for screenshot" Follow the instruction, click and drag the region of the web page you wish to take a screenshot. A saving option pops up, save your regional screenshot by clicking on the "Swipe" button in your desired folder with tags and notes for your reference.
In your Chrome browser, open the "Highlights" section in your Kindle app. Hit on the "Kindle" icon of the Swipenote extension to import all your Kindle highlights from your favorite books and easily organize them by book titles.
In your Chrome browser, open your desired web page, where you wish to highlight a particular text. Click on the "Highlight" icon of your Swipenote extension, highlight the text you wish to save and "Swipe" it to your folder for easy access later.
In your Chrome browser, type in your desired URL you wish to save. Click on the "Save URL" icon of your Swipenote extension and then "Swipe"it to your folder for easy access later.
You can create a folder through either Swipenote extension or web app. After taking "Full Page", "Regional" screenshot, "Highlight"ing text or "Save URL", a window opens with saving options. You can create a new folder by clicking on the Plus icon beside the folder icon. Clicking on the Plus icon will prompt you "Create New Folder" in a text box. Name your new folder and then "Swipe"it to save in the newly created folder.
Anything you Swipe to save using your Swipenote extension or web app is saved as a Card in your folder/sub-folder.
Sure you have downloaded the Swipenote Chrome extension. Go to the Facebook post you desire to save. Mouse over on the post and you will see the Swipenote icon (Blue colored) on the right-hand corner of the post. Click the Swipenote icon and you will be prompted with a “Save in” window.

Here either you can save your Facebook post in a Folder (for sharing it with your friends) or in a Wokspace (for sharing it with teammates). You can create a new Folder from the Chrome extension itself by Clicking on the Plus (+) icon beside your Folder dropdown.

In either cases, you have the option to give “Tags” (Separate Tags with Commas or Hit Enter) and “Notes” for your future reference.

If you wish to Save your post in a “Workspace”, you need to save it in an already created Workspace (or Subspace), which you can choose from the Workspace dropdown. “Label” your saved post as per the status you wish to keep (in-progress, to-do, done etc.) and add “Notes” in the following description box for your future reference.

Click on “Swipe” button below and you have saved your desired Facebook post!
Your Chrome browser surely now have the Swipenote Chrome extension installed and you wish to save your favorite Tweets. Mouse over on the Twitter post (Tweet) and you will see the Swipenote icon (Blue colored) on the right-hand corner of the Tweet. Click the Swipenote icon and you will be prompted with a “Save in” window.

Here either you can save your Tweet in a Folder (for sharing it with your friends) or in a Wokspace (for sharing it with teammates). You can create a new Folder from the Chrome extension itself by Clicking on the Plus (+) icon beside your Folder dropdown.

In either cases, you have the option to give “Tags” (Separate Tags with Commas or Hit Enter) and “Notes” for your future reference.

If you wish to Save your post in a “Workspace”, you need to save it in an already created Workspace (or Subspace), which you can choose from the Workspace dropdown. “Label” your saved post as per the status you wish to keep (in-progress, to-do, done etc.) and add “Notes” in the following description box for your future reference.

Click on “Swipe” button below and you have saved your desired Tweet!
Swipenote Chrome extension app is now installed in your Chrome browser and you wish to save an Instagram post you loved it. Mouse over on the Instagram post and you will see the Swipenote icon (Blue colored) on the right-hand corner of the Post. Click the Swipenote icon and you will be prompted with a “Save in” window.

Here either you can save your Insta post in a Folder (for sharing it with your friends) or in a Wokspace (for sharing it with teammates). You can create a new Folder from the Chrome extension itself by Clicking on the Plus (+) icon beside your Folder dropdown.

In either cases, you have the option to give “Tags” (Separate Tags with Commas or Hit Enter) and “Notes” for your future reference.

If you wish to Save your post in a “Workspace”, you need to save it in an already created Workspace (or Subspace), which you can choose from the Workspace dropdown. “Label” your saved post as per the status you wish to keep (in-progress, to-do, done etc.) and add “Notes” in the following description box for your future reference.

Click on “Swipe” button below and you have saved your loved Insta post!
With the help of Swipenote Chrome extension (which you have already installed in your Chrome browser) you can now save the details of a particular product in Amazon.

In Amazon, go to the product details page of a particular product you like. Mouse over on the product heading (or Title) and you will see the Swipenote icon (Blue colored) beside it. Click the Swipenote icon and you will be prompted with a “Save in” window.

Here either you can save your product details in a Folder (for sharing it with your friends) or in a Wokspace (for sharing it with teammates). You can create a new Folder from the Chrome extension itself by Clicking on the Plus (+) icon beside your Folder dropdown.

In either cases, you have the option to give “Tags” (Separate Tags with Commas or Hit Enter) and “Notes” for your future reference.

If you wish to Save your post in a “Workspace”, you need to save it in an already created Workspace (or Subspace), which you can choose from the Workspace dropdown. “Label” your saved post as per the status you wish to keep (in-progress, to-do, done etc.) and add “Notes” in the following description box for your future reference.

Click on “Swipe” button below and you have saved your liked Amazon product details!
Your Swipenote Chrome extension can also help you to save your desired Zillow listings. In Zillow.com, go to the property listing page and upon mouse over, you will see the Swipenote icon (Blue colored) alongside each and every property listing. Click the Swipenote icon and you will be prompted with a “Save in” window.

Here either you can save the listings in a Folder (for sharing it with your friends) or in a Wokspace (for sharing it with teammates). You can create a new Folder from the Chrome extension itself by Clicking on the Plus (+) icon beside your Folder dropdown.

In either cases, you have the option to give “Tags” (Separate Tags with Commas or Hit Enter) and “Notes” for your future reference.

If you wish to Save your post in a “Workspace”, you need to save it in an already created Workspace (or Subspace), which you can choose from the Workspace dropdown. “Label” your saved post as per the status you wish to keep (in-progress, to-do, done etc.) and add “Notes” in the following description box for your future reference.

Click on “Swipe” button below and you have saved your liked Zillow real estate listing!
Click on the Blue Swipenote Chrome extension icon in your Chrome browser to open a pop-up of Swipenote extension dashboard with six options and a button below, which says “Go to Swipenote”.

Out of the six options, you need to click on “Settings”, which will take you to a window saying “Assign Shortcut Keys”. There are four options where you can assign any short cut key(s) of your liking. There are Edit icons alongside each option. Click on the Edit icon and will be taken to a different window where you can set the Shortcut keys for each activity.

Give your desired Shortcut key for a particular option once you hit the Edit icon.

Web App

Login to your Swipenote web app to get to your dashboard. On the left-hand column of your dashboard, you will find "MY FOLDER". If you wish to create or add a new folder, click on the plus (+) icon alongside "MY FOLDER". Where you will be prompted with a window having two radio button options, "Create a New Folder" and "Create a New Subfolder".

Create a new folder by clicking on the radio button, which says "Create a New Folder" and give a name in the text box below. Click the "Create" button and you get your new folder.

Create a new subfolder by clicking on the radio button, which says "Create a New Subfolder" and give a name in the text box below. You can choose the parent folder under which you wish to create the subfolder. Click the "Create" button and you get your new subfolder.

You can also create a subfolder by clicking on the three dots present alongside every parent folder visible in the dashboard. Click on the three dots and you will be prompted with an option "Create Subfolder" among other options. A window will open where you can name your subfolder. Give a name and press the "Create" button. Your subfolder is ready.
In your dashboard on the left hand column, you will see a list of all the parent folders created. There will be three dots present alongside every parent folder visible in the dashboard. Click on the three dots and you will be prompted with an option "Edit Name". Click on "Edit Name" and you will get a window saying "Edit Folder Name". Give a new name in the text box, click on the "Save Name" button and you are done.
Click on the three dots present alongside the folder (present in the dashboard) you wish to delete. Among other options, you will find the "Delete" option too. Click on "Delete" and will get a window saying "Delete folder" with button options "Cancel" and "Delete". Click on the "Delete" button if you wish to delete your folder.
Clicking on the parent folders visible on the left hand column of your dashboard will show the respective subfolders on the right hand column as thumbnails. On the subfolder thumbnail, you will see three dots (Actions) on the right hand corner. Click on the three dots and will get the "Edit Name" option among others. Click on the "Edit Name" option, which will take you to the window "Edit Subfolder Name". Give a new name to the subfolder in the text box and click on the "Save Name" button to complete the process.
Clicking on the parent folders visible on the left hand column of your dashboard will show the respective subfolders on the right hand column as thumbnails. On the subfolder thumbnail, you will see three dots (Actions) on the right hand corner. Click on the three dots and will get the "Delete" option among others. Click on the "Delete" option, which will take you to the window "Delete subfolder" with button options "Cancel" and "Delete". Click on the "Delete" button if you wish to delete your subfolder.
In your dashboard, select the specific folder under which you wish to keep your saved content or Card. Click on the three dots present (Actions) alongside the selected folder and you will see an option "Create Card" among other options. Click on "Create Card" and you will be prompted with a window which,says "Create New Card" Give a Title, Description and Tags that will define your "Card". If your "Card" is an image, click on "Add Image" button, if your "Card" is a document (PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPT, TXT), click on "Add Attachment" button. After you have added your desired image or document, click on the "Create" button and your "Card" creation is complete under your desired folder.
WORKSPACE is the place in Swipenote where you can plan, track, and manage any type of work by sharing cards, organizing and assigning tasks to your team members. You can manage any project from start to finish through this collaborative space, where you can assign, collaborate and track work given to any particular individual member or a team.
Login to your Swipenote web app to get to your dashboard. On the left-hand column of your dashboard, you will find "WORKSPACE" as your first option. If you wish to create or add a new workspace, click on the plus (+) icon alongside "WORKSPACE". where you will be prompted with a window titled "Create New Workspace"having two radio button options, "Create a New Workspace" and "Create a New Subspace".

Create a new WORKSPACE by clicking on the radio button, which says "Create a New Workspace". Give a name to your new workspace in the text box that follows the radio button. Click the "Create" button and you get your new WORKSPACE to start your project.
In your dashboard, click the specific Workspace under which you wish to keep your saved content or Card. On click you will enter the dashboard of that particular Workspace. On the right-hand column you will find three columns with three default Labels ("To-Do", "In-progress", "Done"). Under each default Labels, you will find "Create New Card" along with a plus (+) icon. Click on the link "Create New Card" and will get a window titled "Create New Card".

Give a Title, Description and Tags that will define your "Card". If your "Card" is an image, click on "Add Image" button, if your "Card" is a document (PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPT, TXT), click on "Add Attachment" button. After you have added your desired image or document, click on the "Create" button and your "Card" creation is complete under your desired Workspace.
Go to the specific folder under which you have the Card you wish to move to a Workspace for collaboration with your teammates. On each card saved in Folder, you will have three vertical dots (Actions) below. Clicking on the Action dots you will find the options you can do with that Card. Along with other options, you will see a "Copy To" link. Click on the "Copy To" link and will be prompted with a window titled "Copy to Workspace".

On the "Copy to Workspace" window, you will find the "Select destination workspace" drop-down menu. Under the drop-down, you will find the list of all the Workspace created. Select the particular Workspace you wish to move your Card. On selection of the particular Workspace from the drop-down, you will see the second drop-down menu "Select subspace". Select the particular Subspace from the drop-down list you wish to move your Card. On selection of the particular Subspace from the second drop-down list, you will see the third drop-down menu "Select label". Select the particular "Label" from the list under which you wish to keep your Card. Click on the "Copy" button at the end and you have your Card moved to your desired Workspace from Folder.
Labels are the particular status of a specific Card you have shared with other teammates in project management. You can stay on track of a particular Card by creating different labels under your Workspace. You can assign "To-Do", "In-progress", "Done" Labels to your Cards for teammates or individuals. You can also update the labels by simple drag and drop of the cards to keep track of the project status.
In your dashboard, you will see the list of all the Workspace created and shared by you (admin) and Workspace shared with you by your teammates. If you wish to Edit the name of a Workspace or Delete a Workspace, click on the plus (+) icon alongside the Workspace you wish to Edit name or Delete. You can Edit the name or Delete a Workspace you are Admin or owner.

On clicking the plus (+) icon, you will find options you can do with the Workspace. The first option (link) is Edit Name, click on the Edit Name link and you will get a Window, where you can re-name your Workspace in the text box. After renaming your Workspace, click on the "Save" button below and you have successfully edited the name of your desired Workspace.

The second option (link) is the Delete option. Click on the Delete link if you wish to delete a Workspace. On click Delete link option, you will be prompted with a Window, where you will be asked if you are sure to delete the Workspace. Click on the Delete button below and you have successfully deleted your Workspace.

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